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Temecula, Wilson Creek, Wilson Creek Almond Sparkling Wine, アーモンドの日, アーモンドスパークリングワイン, ウィルソンクリーク, テメキュラ, ペアリング, 食文化 -

President Shirakami, who is WSET Level 3 certified, will pair the new almond sparkling wine Almondsecco with Christmas cake and discuss it! And the release date of the crowdfunding project will be decided!

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SoCalization, アボカド, 食文化 -

The CEO of SoCalization, who has been growing avocados for 4 years, will share his know-how for growing healthy avocados! He will also introduce tips for growing them in the summer and watering techniques for when you are away on vacation or visiting your hometown for an extended period of time.

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SoCalization, グルメ, サンディエゴ, サーフィン, パシフィックビーチ, 人気飲食店, 観光, 食文化 -

Hello, I'm Yuki from the SoCalization Marketing Department. I'm a third-year student at San Diego State University! During my first year, I took classes online from Japan due to the effects of COVID-19, so I've been living in San Diego since my second year. It's been a year since I started living in San Diego, so let me introduce the good and not so good things about the city little by little!

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Anaheim, angels, craftbeer, SoCalization, ブリュワリー, 観光, 食文化 -

Hello everyone. This time, I would like to introduce some tips to help you enjoy the MLB Los Angeles Angels games even more.

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LA, SoCalization, クラフトビール, グルメ, ブリュワリー, ロサンゼルス, ロサンゼルス旅行, 観光, 食文化 -

Due to the effects of COVID-19, we have been unable to travel abroad for two years, but the long-awaited easing of travel restrictions has finally begun! I'm sure there are many people who have been anxious about when they can travel again, so why not use this blog as a reference to plan your trip to Southern California? Your adventure in Southern California cannot begin without visiting the well-known city of Los Angeles! So, this time I would like to introduce the many tourist attractions in Los Angeles, the most famous city in Southern California, and neighboring cities.

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