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Callaway, Temecula, おつまみ, キャロウェイ, テメキュラ, レシピ -

Would you like to enjoy ceviche, which is also loved in Southern California, and pair it with Southern California wine? Introducing the recipe for SoCalization!

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SoCalization, Temecula, Wilson Creek, ウィルソンクリーク, キャロウェイ, テメキュラ, ワイナリー -

We would like to introduce you to Temecula, a town in Southern California where you can enjoy a variety of activities other than wine.

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SoCalization, Temecula, おつまみ, キャロウェイ, サルサ, テメキュラ, メキシカンフード -

Salsa Borracha is known to those in the know as “drunk salsa”. It is usually made with Mexican beer, but SoCalization, which handles Southern California wine, devises and publishes recipes using wine. Bring your dining table to SOCAL = Southern California!

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