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Is Paso Robles the next "trending" wine travel destination?
Due to COVID-19 and the expanding conflict between Ukraine and Russia, international travel has become difficult again. But don't worry. You can enjoy traveling safely in Southern California, USA. Among them, the wine kingdom of Paso Robles is attracting particular attention. California is blessed with a Mediterranean climate. In 2020, grape cultivation developed into an industry worth 4.48 billion yen. The thriving wine tourism in California is also thanks to grape cultivation. Now, many tourists are visiting wine kingdoms such as Paso Robles, Napa, Sonoma, and Temecula.
Why Malibro Rocky Oaks Wine Is High Quality - Brewing Edition -
We will consider how high-quality wines that match the gorgeous appearance of the winery are made, and why Malibro Rocky Oaks wines are of high quality, from the perspective of the producers and brewing philosophy.
Why Malibro Rocky Oaks Wine Is So High -Geography and Climate-
Analyzing and considering why the wine of Maliblocky Oaks Winery in Southern California is of high quality from the viewpoint of the climate, hours of sunshine, rainfall in the region of Malibu, the geology of the Maliblocky Oaks vineyards, and other environmental factors. To go.
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