- 写真はイメージです。当日の配置が写真と異なるケースがありますのであらかじめご了承ください
- お席の事前指定はできかねます。当日到着順になるべくいい席からご案内します
- その時の残席数や配置の関係上、席の移動をお願いすることがございます
- 前日キャンセルは200円頂戴します
- 当日キャンセルの場合、返金はできかねます
- 予約の開始時間より15分経過した場合、お席の予約は当日キャンセルと同じ扱いとさせていただきます。
- 遅刻のお電話いただいても当日スタッフ全員が忙しくしており、電話に出れない可能性が高いのでくれぐれも時間厳守でお願いいたします。
- 雨天キャンセル保険ご用意しています
Reserved Seating with Sakura View at SoCalization Nakumeguro Sakura Event 2023!
- The photo is for illustrative purposes only. Please note that the layout on the day of the event may differ from the photo.
- We cannot accommodate reservation for a specific seat prior to the event day. We will accommodate your request upon your arrival and availability.
- We may ask you to move to a different seat depending on the seating availability then. Please cooperate so we can have as many groups seated as necessary.
- The cancellation fee for cancellations made the day before the event is 200 JPY.
- No refunds will be made for same-day cancellations.
- In the event that you are late more than 15 minutes of your reservation start time, your reservation will be treated as a same-day-cancellation and will be released for other customers.
- Our staff members will be busy on the day of the event and may be unable to assist over phone or emails. So, please be on time.
- Rain cancellation insurance is available here