
Pizza Port Brewing Company

ピザポート ビール・フレンド・フォーエヴァー / Pizza Port Beer Friends Forever

  • お得価格
  • 通常価格 ¥1,178
  • 入荷予定
税込価格。 送料は1万円以上のお買い物で送料無料 ※沖縄は割引

これは見逃せない!?StoneとPizza Portのコラボ商品!

Pizza PortとStone、サンディエゴを代表する二大ブリュワリーの永遠の友情を記念して造られたIPA

同じカリフォルニア州サンディエゴに本拠地を構える古くからの友人、Stone BrewingとのコラボIPA。

「BFF」は本来「Best Friends Forever(ずっと友達だよ!)」を意味しますが、それをもじって名付けています。

フィニッシュにはクラシックなWest Coast IPA特有の松脂のようなフィニッシュが口に残ります。

Pizza PortとStoneの永遠の友情に乾杯!

  • ABV:6.5%
  • スタイル:IPA
  • 内容量:473ml


Yes, time often seems like it goes way too fast. Yet relax with a friend over a great beer and for a brief moment we can slow it down to proper speed…and special moments like the time the very first ever keg of Stone was tapped at Pizza Port Solana Beach on a warm late July evening in 1996 become fixed as a timeless memory. Brewing & enjoying BFF together is the culmination of many countless shared memories and continuous good times. Cheers to these moments, each other and to being Beer Friends Forever! Brewed in collaboration with our Beer Buddies at Stone Brewing, this medium-bodied IPA has strong aromas of citrus with notes of lychee and passion fruit. The tropical fruit character is complimented by a soft, balanced grain bill and classic bitter notes of resin and pine on the finish. Cheers to Beer Friends Forever!